Saturday, June 12, 2010

Farmer's Market Finds...

Garlic scapes, mesclun lettuce, maple syrup, oregano, and kale...all local and all something to look forward to eating over the next several days. Thank goodness for farmer's markets! My older son says I have become a food snob. I say, I have just decided to only eat food that tastes good and is good for me. Isn't it scary to be considered a food snob when all I want is to eat healthy food? Shouldn't that be a basic requirement? Something that sustains us in beneficial ways? Unfortunately, we have strayed way too far from those expecatations.


  1. You are separating the wheat from the chaff. The chaft being the industrialized junk food from the healthy good for you food. Yes, it does seem strange to call good eating snobbish. Perhaps that is one of the benefits of corporate marketing -- it gives people an identity with their products and all outside products are either laughable or snobbish eating.

    Hope to hear more about your discoveries of good food! -- barbara

  2. You are lucky to ahve farmers market already. Ours starts in three weeks and I can not wait.
